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Police have identified Betts as the suspected shooter.īetts was once kicked out of Bellbrook High School for making a list of girls he wanted to kill, the Dayton Daily News learned in interviews with former classmates and school administrators.Īccording to sources interviewed by this organization, the shooter was suspended in high school for causing a lockdown by writing a hit list on a bathroom wall. We are continuing to check with local hospitals on the conditions of those remaining hospitalized. Twenty-seven were injured and most have been released.

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> RELATED: What we’ve learned about the victims Lois Oglesby, Megan Betts, Nicholas Cumer, Logan Turner, Thomas McNichols, Derrick Fudge, Monica Brickhouse, Saheed Saleh and Beatrice 'Nicole' Warren-Curtis were fatally shot. 4, 2019, in Dayton, Ohio.įive men and four women were killed in the shooting, including the suspected shooter’s sister. A makeshift memorial is setup outside Ned Peppers bar following a vigil at the scene of a mass shooting, Sunday, Aug.

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